Work Days ay Southern Allotments
What is a Work day?
The whole site requires regular maintenance to keep it safe and looking tidy for everyone.
To make this happen, the committee arrange and publicise regular Work days where Plot holders are invited to pitch in and help complete the specific site maintenance task. The sessions are usually 2 hours and any plot holder is welcome to contribute as much time as they can during the session.
How do I find out about a Work day?
Work days are publicised in advance on this website, on the noticeboard by the cabin, via email, via the Facebook (private) group and occasionally on notes placed on the inside of the entrance gates. If the Work day falls within an update period, we will include details of Work days in our emails sent to Plot holders.
How can you participate?
Simply turn up on the day/time and if required, with the tools suggested (if you have them).
If you cannot make the session, you can still contribute to the current task when you have the time and do your bit. If the task involves (organic) rubbish removal, please speak to a committee member who can give you access to the organic waste space in the nature reserve.
What’s in it for me?
By helping out on a Work Day you are helping keep the site safe and tidy for everyone! Nobody is employed to complete site maintenance and everyone volunteers their time when they can. If you become a regular attendee on the Work days, you will be able to make use of the cordless tools outside of the sessions as a thank you from the society