The Southern Allotments Society membership fee is currently £10 per year/per plot and payable on 1st November each year. The membership fee is payable to the Southern Allotments Society.
The membership fee is payable in addition to the plot rent payment which you make separately to Greater Manchester Combined Authority when you receive your plot rental invoice in the post.
How can I pay my annual society fee?
You can make your fee payment by bank transfer using the following details:
Bank name: Santander Bank
Account name: Southern Allotments Society
Account number: 39063485
Sort code: 09-01-54
When making your payment, please include the number of your plot in the payment reference so we can reconcile it with your plot record (There are over 140 plots so this will help us immensely!)
To help you remember to pay the society fee which is due 1st November each year, we encourage plot holders to set up a simple standing order using the bank details above and where the membership payment is automatically made on 1st November each year.
This can be done through most online and mobile banking services or if available, your high street bank branch.
Please note that for reasons of security, the society no longer accepts cash payments but if you are struggling to pay your society fees, please get in touch by email societyadmin@southernallotmentsorg and we can support you further.
What does the Society membership fee cover?
1. Plot holder liability insurance – if anyone (other than yourself) enters your plot and has an accident/injures themselves, this insurance protects you from any financial liability resulting from a claim against you as the registered lessee of the plot. (You are not insured unless you have paid your Society membership fee prior to any incident). The insurer for Southern Allotments is Marsh Insurance and our policy number is 3565381.
2. Water supply equipment maintenance (Tap repair, replacement, renovation)
3. Composting toilet/toilet paper/cleaning materials
4. Plot security – purchase & replacement of gate locks/padlocks on site
5. Society Work day tools – these are used by the committee & Work day volunteers to carry out important maintenance all over the site6. Electricity in the cabin to provide lighting, heating and hot water for plot holders
7. Communal manure/other [future] communal growing supplies
8. Site rubbish removal – the Society hires 1-2 large skips each year to help maintain the site and keep it safe – each Skip currently costs £480 and are only used for specific rubbish generated on Work Days
9. Learning events – The society are planning to run a series of learning events (online/on-site) and professional tutors will be contracted for some of these events
10. The Society website hosting, email service, the Society membership database & payment processing fees (the society is aiming to offer QR code payments in 2025)
11. Cabin maintenance and repairs (Floor, sink, ceiling, lighting replacement are examples of the most recent costs) plus cleaning materials/equipment needed to maintain the cabin and surrounding areas
12. Plot holder refreshments available in the cabin (Tea, coffee, milk, sugar)
13. Professional tree removal and main site road cut backs
14. Event hospitality – Annual show BBQ, seed swap, AGMs (Room hire deal), Signage
15. Anything communal that breaks/needs repairing/replacing on site